Why do we need protection from electromagnetic fields
and wireless frequencies?
In our modern world, we need protection from electromagnetic fields and wireless frequencies that emanate from our electronics and communication systems, such as power lines, computer servers, cell phones, Wi-Fi, Bluetooth, smart meters, etc.
We have always been surrounded by background frequencies and magnetic fields coming from the Earth and the Sun, as well as from outer space. Over millennia, we have evolved alongside these natural phenomena. By our very nature, we are dependent on these cosmic forces as an integral part of our makeup as well as survival.
In today’s world, we are also being continually surrounded and need protection from the electromagnetic fields and wireless frequencies emitted from cell phones and Wi-Fi (wireless) Internet, smart meters, and from an ever-increasing number of transmitters being placed on masts, towers, schools, health centers, and retirement homes, tall buildings, and even disguised as trees. In fact, every person, place, and thing seems to be communicating wirelessly these days. And soon, it is said, practically all of our electronic devices, including our refrigerators and cooking stoves, will have their own IP address, meaning they will also be capable of receiving and transmitting wireless communications so that they can be operated remotely over the Internet, using the latest wireless technologies. In other words, you will soon be able to turn on your stove and discover what refrigerated foods you need to pick up at the grocery store on your way home from work, plus anything else you can think of, all via your smartphone. Perhaps, if you work from home, your refrigerator can order and deliver your groceries, and you won’t need to go out at all, or even get out of your chair!
It has become increasingly acknowledged that man-made wireless frequencies, as mentioned above, can, do, and will interfere with the delicate nature of our own body’s electrical system. In our daily lives, we also come into proximity with computers, televisions, and automobile electronics (particularly hybrids and EVs), which also emit forms of electromagnetic radiation (EMFs) that can adversely affect us.
Wireless frequencies and electromagnetic radiation from electronics can both be detrimental to human health, causing immune deficiencies and polarity imbalances, that have been linked to illness and disease.
An increasing number of people can feel electromagnetic radiation to various degrees, some can feel very unwell, and a few cannot be around electromagnetic radiation at all. This condition, which is increasingly being recognized around the world, is known as Electromagnetic Radiation Syndrome, or EMR Syndrome for short. Our products have been known to help such people.
Whether you feel electromagnetic radiation or not or are not made at all sick from it, electromagnetic radiation will still cause you harm.
It is too late to turn back the clock on this wonderful technology, but we can take affordable steps to protect ourselves from it and to make it safer…
Our Electromagnetic Protection Products
We offer a selection of affordable and effective products, all hand-made in the USA, to help give you protection from electromagnetic fields and wireless frequencies, from essential personal protection to whole room clearing, protection from outside sources such as nearby cellphone towers and power lines, household appliances, Wi-Fi, computers, tablets, automobile electronics, cellphones, and radio towers, including the latest 5G cellphone networks, smart meters, geopathic stress coming from underground, and other sources of electromagnetic radiation and negative energies.
These products have been successfully used around the world for over thirty years; in fact, they were the first of their kind on the market, they do not require batteries, and they will never wear out! As wireless technology has evolved over the years, so have our products, to keep up with the ever-changing world of electronic devices with its ever-increasing demand for wireless technologies.
Our electromagnetic protection products do not block electromagnetic radiation or wireless frequencies. Rather, due to the unique ceramic material from which they are made, they absorb and then rebroadcast them out in a beneficial form. In other words, they alter their harmful nature. While we cannot claim that our products will make you 100% safe from electromagnetic radiation, no other product can either, but we can help you to mitigate the harmful effects of this insidious side-effect of today’s brilliant technologies, at an extremely affordable cost.
More Electromagnetic Protection Products
5G EMF Protection for Cellphones, Tablets, and Laptops at SafeSleeve.com
Shop EMF Meters and Shielding at LessEMF.com
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