Frequently Asked Questions
Please browse through our list of frequently asked questions on electromagnetic protection and the Crystal Catalyst products of Biomagnetic Research. If you cannot find the answer to your question please do not hesitate to contact us.
About This Website
Who We Are
We are Andrew Wheeler and Doe Kelly. We have been marketing the electromagnetic radiation protection products made by Biomagnetic Research online since 2002; before that, we offered them at conferences and fairs, and also to friends and family. Doe has been sharing these electromagnetic protection radiation products since the early 1990s.
Where We Ship
We are based in the United States and although we used to ship to other countries it has become too expensive and time-consuming to fill out the paperwork required. Currently, therefore, we are only shipping to destinations within the United States and its territories, including Alaska, Hawaii, and Puerto Rico.
How much do you charge for shipping within the United States?
For destinations in the United States and its territories mentioned above shipping is just $7.00 per order, irrespective of the size or value of the order.
About The Crystal Catalyst Material Used in the Electromagnetic Production products sold on this website
What are the products made of?
Our products are made from, or contain, a silicon-based, advanced ceramic material known as Crystal Catalyst. Its structure and function have some similarities to Wilhelm Reich’s Orgone Accumulator. The Crystal Catalyst material is a proprietary formula discovered and developed by Robert McKusick. McKusick discovered that this material enhanced the beneficial energy of gemstones, magnets, and many other materials. It also alters some natural and all man-made electromagnetic and wireless frequencies by smoothing out their oscillating nature, which is harmful to the cells of living things, thereby transforming these frequencies into a more beneficial form.
How and when was the Crystal Catalyst material discovered?
For over fifty years, up until his passing, Robert McKusick had been working in the fields of dowsing and ceramic engineering. He is noted in the “Who’s Who of American Scientists” as the discoverer of the “Battery Effect” of crystals and gemstones. McKusick discovered and developed the Crystal Catalyst technology back in the early 1980s. He discovered that a blue faience scarab his wife, Charmion, had added to a gemstone necklace, actually doubled the pendant’s effectiveness. He and his wife had previously created the gemstone combination necklace to energetically destroy the flu virus. The unexpected energetic effect of that scarab was the beginning of the Crystal Catalyst material. Robert experimented with using combinations of rare earth and firing the material in various energy fields until a permanently energized material from which the products sold on this website are made could be created.
What tests have been performed on the Crystal Catalyst material?
The first products manufactured from the Crystal Catalyst material were tested in a variety of ways as far back as 1985. Brainwave testing, energy photography, blood testing, muscle testing, and dowsing. These tests are replicable and include muscle testing (kinesiology), which demonstrated that people, who otherwise would have been weakened by electromagnetic fields, were considerably strengthened when in the presence of the Crystal Catalyst material. User tests showed that people wearing a Crystal Catalyst Bead (no longer sold separately) had increased strength, felt better, and escaped many seasonal illnesses. Beads were also placed on a number of seriously arthritic goats, dogs, and other animals, who all showed a marked improvement. Other tests included Kirlian photography, taste, ground radiation/geopathic stress tests, and the use of an electroencephalograph to demonstrate the Crystal Catalyst products’ ability to improve mental activity when it had diminished due to electromagnetic radiation. Further information on these tests can be found here.
Are there any other products that use the Crystal Catalyst material besides those on this website?
The Crystal Catalyst material is only produced by Biomagnetic Research. Besides the products of Biomagnetic Research, it is only found in products created by very few others who source this material through Biomagnetic Research and utilize it in their own creations.
About The Manufacturer
Who is the manufacturer of your Crystal Catalyst products?
A small family-run business, founded by the late Robert McKusick, known as Biomagnetic Research, Inc. has been manufacturing by hand the Crystal Catalyst electromagnetic protection products since 1983. Biomagnetic Research is located in Globe, Arizona, USA.
Does Biomagnetic Research, Inc. have its own website, and can I purchase products directly from them?
Biomagnetic Research does not have a website, and they do not retail their products directly to the public.
Can I contact Biomagnetic Research directly to ask them questions about their products?
No. Biomagnetic Research is a very small family business and most of their time is taken up making their Crystal Catalyst electromagnetic protection products. If you have any questions please ask us instead, and if we can’t answer them we will consult with Biomagnetic Research on your behalf.
About The Products
How do the Crystal Catalyst products compare with other products on the market?
Due to growing awareness of the problems created by ever-increasing levels of electromagnetic radiation and wireless frequencies, a number of companies have appeared in recent years, selling what are claimed to be electromagnetic protection products. While there is no way that we can give a completely accurate assessment of all the products and companies “out there” that sell these kinds of products (and we do not wish to disparage anyone legitimately involved in attempting to resolve this complex modern-day dilemma), we have formed certain opinions from our own research and experience and the experiences of our customers. There are a few other companies that we believe have products that are effective and may complement the ones manufactured by Biomagnetic Research. Please visit our Products page and scroll to the end to find a link to one of these companies. We have been selling the Crystal Catalyst products for about thirty years, made by a company that has been around for about forty years and has primarily (and very successfully, might we add) been working quietly “behind the scenes,” marketing their products mostly by word of mouth. So you decide!
Why are some other electromagnetic protection products more expensive?
Some of the companies selling electromagnetic protection products have to pay for slick-looking websites and other sales materials and overheads in order to promote their products, and/or they are multi-level marketing companies that have to pay referral commissions to multiple levels of distributors. Some companies, for example, charge more because they coat their pendants with expensive metals to make them look nice. Our Crystal Catalyst products look nice anyway, they sell by word of mouth, and there are no referral commissions to pay, slick-looking websites to maintain, or shiny brochures. We hope you will find this website easy to navigate and informative, not slick and full of pseudo-science and marketing hype, like some of the others. Biomagnetic Research never had to use slick, corporate marketing. Their focus is and has always been, to make products that work and are affordable, and it was never the intention of Robert and Charmion McKusick to develop the Crystal Catalyst technology to become rich, as with some other companies and individuals.
Can I purchase Crystal Catalyst products anywhere else at a better price?
You may find a few other suppliers on the Internet, and in a few stores dotted around the United States, but as far as we know, our prices are as competitive as we can make them.
I really like these products. Can I buy products wholesale from you to resell to others?
We can offer the Crystal Catalyst products at a discount for a minimum order of $250. Please contact us for details.
Do any of your products require a power supply to make them work?
No, none of the Crystal Catalyst products that we sell require any kind of power supply, such as batteries or mains power.
Do your products ever wear out?
No, with normal use, they never wear out and, therefore, they never need to be replaced. They just keep on working.
Will I feel a difference when I use your products?
That depends on your sensitivity to electromagnetic frequencies. Many people are not overly sensitive to emf, and therefore, may not feel any noticeable difference. This does not mean that our products are not working. Just because someone is not “electro-sensitive”, or does not overtly feel electromagnetic radiation, does not mean that the radiation is not causing them harm. It is. An increasing number of people, however, do feel the effects of electromagnetic radiation and have reported feeling various degrees of relief when using our products.
Does exposure to electromagnetic radiation, such as from cell phones, cause cancer?
In the scientific establishment, there have been conflicting findings as to whether electromagnetic radiation, especially that from cell phones, directly causes cancer or any other medical condition. We are not medical people, and make no claim to be so; but in our opinion, as well as the opinions of many experts, oxidative stress from exposure to electromagnetic radiation, is a causative factor for cancer. Biological testing in many countries has shown that even limited exposure to these radiations affects the calcium balance in the cells, changes the polarity of the blood, causes breaks in DNA strings, affects the hemoglobin, and causes oxidative stress. In addition, pulsing fields, which are produced by electrical wiring and wireless communications, are very destructive to the normal functioning of the central nervous system, which controls all bodily functions.
Can your products help as a preventative to ill health?
Our Crystal Catalyst electromagnetic protection products are not medical devices, nor have they been tested or cleared by the FDA for any purpose, and we cannot make any claims that they will cure or prevent any medical disease or condition. It is known that electromagnetic frequencies, whether harmful or not, do interact with the body. It is, therefore, common sense that if you expose yourself to unnatural and potentially harmful man-made electromagnetic radiation, you could be setting yourself up for health problems, either in the short or long term. Man-made electromagnetic frequencies have become so common, particularly from cell phones, smartphones, smart meters, wi-fi, and other wireless communications, over the past ten to fifteen years, that it is nearly impossible to escape from them (or their effects). It only makes sense to do all that you can to alter their harmful nature by using our affordable products, to potentially mitigate any harm they may be causing you or your loved ones, including pets. The only real way to not be bathed in this sea of invisible, obnoxious energy, is to opt-out of modern society and live in the middle of nowhere.
Will I be able to measure any difference your products may make (ie: do your products block electromagnetic radiation)?
No, our products do not block electromagnetic radiation and their effects cannot be measured with conventional instrumentation such as a Tri-Meter – please see our Testing page. The Crystal Catalyst material from which our products are made alters the nature of electromagnetic radiation to a more beneficial quality or form. Therefore, using a meter to check if our products reduce the levels of electromagnetic radiation from a particular source will not produce a result. No other product, except for those that are clearly designed for this specific purpose and state as such (such as a Faraday Cage, or various emf shielding devices and materials designed to be installed in a room, worn on the person, or affixed to a computer screen, etc.), will block electromagnetic radiation. However, if our products did block electromagnetic radiation, they would disrupt the workings of your cellphone or home wireless Internet connection, for example, and you would have trouble using either.
Many other companies offer only one or two products that claim to offer protection from electromagnetic radiation, why do you have so many?
When Biomagnetic Research started out in the early 1980s, they only had one product for electromagnetic protection, the Electronic Smog Buster Tab. Since then, the number of problematic and different sources of electromagnetic radiation has exploded, especially since the advent of wireless technology. One or two products cannot possibly offer complete protection from all these different sources of electromagnetic radiation, not to mention from the sea of microwave wireless frequencies from cell phones, Wi-Fi, cell towers, cordless phones, and smart meters that we are now all constantly exposed to. Some of our Crystal Catalyst products, however, such as the Personal Protective Pendants, the Crystal Catalyst Pendants, the Electronic Smog Buster Tab, and the 3-Hole Resonator, can provide protection for a number of different situations and emf sources. This means that we can offer a customized selection and combination of products to give you comprehensive protection from the harmful nature of electromagnetic radiation for almost any situation you may find yourself in, at an affordable price. Please see our Getting Started page to learn more.
It can seem a bit overwhelming! How do I figure out which products I need, or where to start?
You can start protecting yourself from the harmful nature of electromagnetic radiation for as little as $40.00 with a Crystal Catalyst Frequency Harmonizer Pendant, or if you require stronger protection a Pocket Resonator that you can carry around on your person. We do, however, recommend, if you, like most people, have a cellphone, that you also purchase a Cellular Phone Tab for just $20.00, in addition to the pendant or resonator mentioned above. If you wish to spend a little more you can opt for one of our Personal Protective Pendants. Most people also have a laptop and/or a tablet computer, so another $20.00 for each will buy an Electronic Smog Buster Tab for these items, last (but not least) we would recommend spending $20.00 for a 3-Hole Resonator for your wi-fi router at home. and for your larger household appliances. So, for a reasonable outlay, you could be pretty well covered. If you have a cellphone tower outside your home, a smart meter placed against an exterior wall of your home, work in a heavy emf environment, drive a hybrid vehicle, or are being exposed to some other extraordinary source of electromagnetic radiation, you may need a few of our more specialized products to take care of their harmful nature. And don’t forget, apart from your pendant or resonator, all of the other products mentioned above will also give protection from the harmful nature of electromagnetic radiation to other members of your household, friends, and work colleagues. Please see our Getting Started page to learn more.
The Crystal Catalyst® Pendants (including the Frequency Harmonizer Pendant)
Can the Crystal Catalyst Pendants be worn on any kind of chain or cord, and can they be worn with other jewelry?
The Crystal Catalyst Pendants can be placed on any kind of metal chain or cord, and although they look good by themselves, they can also be worn with other jewelry. If they are also worn for the purpose of electromagnetic protection, make sure they are worn over the thymus, between the heart and the throat.
Are the Crystal Catalyst Pendants based on the original pendant that Robert McKusick made for his wife, Charmion, to combat the flu virus?
Yes. Each pendant contains a carefully selected number of semi-precious gemstones, and a Turquoise or Cobalt Crystal Catalyst Bead, arranged very specifically, according to purpose. The closest pendant to the original that we sell today would be the Breathe Easy Pendant.
Is it OK to wear a Crystal Catalyst Pendant in the shower or when swimming?
Yes. Water should not adversely affect the pendants. However, you will want to take into consideration, when wearing in water, what material the cord or chain is made of, and act accordingly.
Is it OK to wear a Crystal Catalyst Pendant when sleeping or playing sports?
We would recommend not wearing a pendant when sleeping, or if it is likely to get bashed about or pulled off, as with playing sports. When sleeping, we would recommend that, rather than wearing it, you place your pendant under your pillow. When playing sports it would probably be best to place it in a pocket or in a sports pouch belt to protect it.
Is the Crystal Catalyst Pendant suitable for a man to wear?
Absolutely. If you do not wish it to show, just wear it around your neck and tuck it under your shirt, pin it inside a shirt or jacket, or hide one in a pouch around your neck. If you are not wearing a pendant for the purpose of electromagnetic protection, one can also be carried in a pocket or a sports belt pouch, as long as it remains within your body’s energy field. If placed in a pocket, we recommend placing it in a pouch for protection, and so it doesn’t get lost.
You can purchase our Crystal Catalyst Pendants here.
The Personal Protective Pendants and Pocket Resonator
Do the Personal Protective Pendants have to be worn around my neck as a pendant? What other options are there?
Optimally, the Personal Protective Pendants should be worn around the neck so that they lay between the heart and throat, over the thymus, but they can also be placed in a pouch and attached to clothing, placed in a pocket, or in a fanny pack or sports belt pouch. The Personal Protective Pendants need to be carried as close to the body as possible and within the body’s energy field. At night, however, they will still give some protection when placed on your nightstand.
Do the Personal Protective Pendants and Pocket Resonator provide equal protection against EMF?
Will the Personal Protective Pendants and Pocket Resonator provide enough protection against the upcoming 5G (5th Generation) cellular phone and broadband network?
Yes, they have been created with 5G in mind and are currently being used by people living in areas where 5G has been deployed with no complaints.
Shop our Personal Protective Pendants and Pocket Resonator here.
The Cellular Phone Tab
Do I need to purchase a new Cellular Phone Tab every time I update my cellphone?
Every Cellular Phone Tab sold comes with a replacement adhesive tab, so you will be OK with at least two cell phones. After that, any strong, double-sided sticky pad will do, if cut to size.
Does the Cellular Phone Tab also work with any type of mobile phone?
Yes, it works on the iPhone and all Android phones, and even on the iPad Mini and other 7″ tablets and e-readers. A Cellular Phone Tab will also work on older non-smartphones, flip phones, and cordless phones used in the home.
Does the Cellular Phone Tab work on an iPad?
The Cellular Phone Tab is too small to be really effective on an iPad or any other full-size tablet but would be effective on the smaller 7″ tablets and e-readers, including the iPad Mini. We would suggest for larger tablets using an Electronic Smog Buster Tab.
You can purchase our Cellular Phone Tab here.
The Electronic Smog Buster Tab
What is the difference between the Electronic Smog Buster Tab and a 3-Hole Resonator?
Although there is not much between them we recommend the Electronic Smog Buster Tab be used for smaller electronics, such as tablets and computers, etc, whereas the 3-Hole Resonator can be used for larger household appliances, such as microwaves and refrigerators.
If I have a number of separate audio components stacked on top of each other, do I need an Electronic Smog Buster Tab for each component?
No, just one Electronic Smog Buster Tab placed on the top component will suffice. The same applies to DVD and video players, satellite and cable boxes, etc. if they are stacked on top of each other.
You can purchase the Electronic Smog Buster Tab here.
The 3-Hole Resonator
I see there used to be two types of 3-Hole Resonator, Star and Regular, why the difference?
There are two main types of electromagnetic radiation we are concerned with, – that which comes from wireless frequencies such as those transmitted by a cell phone or other wireless device, and that which comes from the electromagnetic field generated from electrical circuitry, such as household wiring and power lines, as well as components inside of an electronic device, such as a refrigerator or television. As the Star 3-Hole Resonator can be effective for the former as well as the latter the manufacturer decided to simplify things and discontinue the Regular 3-Hole Resonator. The Star 3-Hole Resonator is now just called the 3-Hole Resonator.
You can purchase our 3-Hole Resonator here.
The G-333 Resonator
Since this is such a powerful resonator, can I just place one in the middle of a room to protect myself from every electronic device in that room?
The G-333 Resonator is not intended as an overall fix for your electromagnetic protection issues in a given space. For this see the Energy Harmonizer (below), The G-333 Resonator is effective when placed against, or close to, strong sources of electromagnetic radiation, such as a smart meter or the batteries of a hybrid vehicle. The G-333 Resonator needs to be placed directly on the offending source, or as close to it as possible. The G-333 Resonator, ideally, needs to be between the offending source and the person(s) needing protection, with its adhesive side directed towards the obnoxious energy source.
You can purchase our G-333 Resonator here.
The Tri-Pak Resonator
I live in a multi-level home, and have a cell phone tower close by, will I need a Tri-Pak Resonator on each level?
Not necessarily. You can place your Tri-Pak Resonator on the floor/level of your home that you use the most, and carry it from room to room or level to level if you wish. If you have a large house, you might consider purchasing more than one Tri-Pak Resonator.
Does the Tri-Pak Resonator contain the Crystal Catalyst material?
If I want to aim a Tri-Pak Resonator at a cellphone tower, but there is no window sill to place it on, will it work through a wall if I place it on a shelf, such as a bookcase against the wall, or shelf inside my closet or cupboard?
Yes. There are all kinds of creative ways you can think of to adequately place a Tri-Pak Resonator, even when there is no window or window sill present.
I live in an apartment and my neighbors on each side of me, and above and below me have Wi-Fi routers.
Can I use Tri-Pak Resonators to help neutralize their harmful effects which are coming at me from all directions?
Yes, you will need a number of Tri-Pak Resonators facing each neighboring apartment that has Wi-Fi, including those above and below you. Included with the instructions is information on how to do this.
You can purchase our Tri-Pak Resonator here.
The Energy Harmonizer
Does the Energy Harmonizer contain the Crystal Catalyst material?
Yes, it is powered by a turquoise tab placed in the center, similar to the Cellular Phone Tab, but larger. The tab is enhanced by sacred geometry and Feng Shui principles of design.
Do I need to use any of the other Crystal Catalyst products if I use the Energy Harmonizer?
The Energy Harmonizer can only help to mitigate the harmful effects of electromagnetic radiation in one room, and although it can neutralize the harmful nature of geopathic stress (ground radiation), as well as other natural energy lines, such as the Curry and Hartmann lines, that might be harmful, to be on the safe side, when using the Energy Harmonizer for protection from electromagnetic radiation, that other more specialized products found on this website are also used. Our reasonably priced range of electromagnetic protection tabs, such as the Electronic Smog Buster Tab, and 3-Hole Resonator, make this entirely affordable. If you have a strong source of electromagnetic radiation, either in the room or close by, such as a smart meter or a wireless router that is close to a sleeping area, we recommend you primarily use a G-333 Resonator for each of these obnoxious energy sources. You can add an Energy Harmonizer to enhance protection if you wish.
Can the Energy Harmonizer be taken with me when I travel?
Yes. This is one of the best things about the Energy Harmonizer. It can be taken with you when you travel and used in your hotel room, or in any other place you might be staying or working. Indeed, it can be carried from room to room in your own home, should you desire.
You can purchase our Energy Harmonizer here.
Will I receive instructions on how to use the products?
Yes. Full instructions are sent for each product ordered, plus, you can always contact us if you are still unsure how to use them.
What should I use for an e-reader or tablet, such as the Amazon Kindle, iPad, or Nexus?
For smaller e-readers and tablets, such as the Kindle and other e-readers, the smaller Nexus tablets, and iPad Mini, you can use either a Cellular Phone Tab or an Electronic Smog Buster Tab. The Cellular Phone Tab, being smaller, would be more convenient for the 7″ readers and tablets, including the iPad Mini. You can place it centrally on the back of the tablet or e-reader, or onto its case if you have one. An Electronic Smog Buster Tab is more suitable, however, for those who have larger tablets and/or are more sensitive to electromagnetic radiation. Again, it should be placed centrally on the back as shown in the accompanying instructions.
I hear that smart meters are being rolled out in the United States, Canada, and Europe and that they can pose a danger because they are continuously broadcasting electromagnetic wireless frequencies. What are smart meters and how do I know if I have one?
Yes, smart meters are being rolled out in several areas in the United States, Canada, and Europe. Smart meters can take the place of your traditional electricity, gas, and/or water meter, the ones with the dial on them that show how much electricity, gas, and/or water you have used. You may, therefore, have up to three smart meters, the electricity and gas meters will be against your home, with the water meter close to the street. Smart meters measuring your electricity usage are the most common. With a smart meter, instead of a meter reader coming around once a month to note down your usage, your power and/or water usage is broadcast, sometimes as much as several times a minute, by wireless transmissions to your utility company. This means your home is being exposed night and day to these bursts of microwave radiation, and it’s not just your smart meter(s) you need to be worried about, it’s your neighbor’s smart meter(s) also. You should have been told by your utility company if they were going to install a smart meter at your home, but if you are not sure go and take a look. If you have a traditional meter it will have a dial on it showing numbers slowly turning as you are using either electricity or gas. These meters are traditionally placed against an outside wall of your home. If you have one of these, a meter reader will come and read it once in a while and you have nothing to worry about. If you haven’t seen your meter reader for a while and your meter doesn’t have slowly turning numbers on it then you may have a smart meter. Ask your neighbors or call your utility company if you are not sure. As mentioned above, your water meter, if you have one, is generally situated away from your home close to the street, and depending on how far your street is from your home, it may not present a problem.
If I have a smart meter what product do you recommend that can offer my family some protection?
We have two products that can offer help. Firstly, for your own smart meter, we would recommend a G-333 Resonator. For protection from your neighbor’s smart meter and your water meter (if you have one and it is within twenty feet of your home) we would recommend one or more Tri-Pak Resonators.
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